On 4/22/2009 5:26 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:
One technique I use to provide SSL access for a couple of different
virtual hosts is to use different ports.  domain A would be
https://A.domain:1443, domain B could be https://B.domain:2443.  Not
super clean, but it works pretty well, especially if you're direction
traffic to SSL from a non-ssl page to begin with.

Another method of hosting multiple SSL sites from one IP address is to use a wildcard certificate. This works especially well with subdomain sites (ie "*.example.com"). If you are only using the SSL to encrypt the traffic to your "personal" sites, you could even go as far as creating a self signed top level domain wildcard certificate (ie "*"). Then *any* domain your personal server hosts can use this same SSL certificate on the same IP address. The one downfall of a self signed certificate is users are prompted initially that the CA is not recognized, but if this is for a personal or family site, this is usually an acceptable trade off.


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