On 03/08/2018 09:16 PM, Barry Roberts wrote:
> It's not Linux-related, but I'm curious what other nerds think.  I was
> listening to KUER on the way home from work tonight, and they were
> talking about this:
> https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/8/17095440/europe-clocks-running-slow-electricity-frequency-kosovo-serbia
> I don't know if I've ever owned a clock that would act like that.
> Maybe some really old clock with an AC motor.  But they talk about the
> clock on a microwave, and show a digital clock on a stove.  Those all
> have crystal oscillators that run on DC and I'm pretty sure would not
> be affected at all by a .1% change in the AC frequency (that number
> was from the radio  --.1% or 344 seconds in about 6 months, I think).

Yeah the folks who chose the picture to go with the article got it
wrong!  A digital clock on a microwave or stove would be timed from
quartz crystal and wouldn't care about A/C line frequency.

> Am I crazy?  Are there really a bunch of clocks in Europe that
> actually depend on the 50hz alternating current frequency for
> timekeeping?  The whole thing sounds like some non-technical reporter
> grossly misunderstanding electronics to me.

There are some, yes. Maybe not a lot.  And I doubt most people noticed
or were affected by it.

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