On 29/04/06, smc2911

Just tried out moose for the first time. I love it!

Good, good.. :-)

I do have a couple of questions:

* Does clicking the X button (top right) do something different to
Player -> Exit? I have found that when I click on X I cannot restart
Moose and task manager reveals that Moose.exe is running (nothing
visible though, including the system tray) and I have to kill the
process before I can restart Moose. I am running Moose on Win XP and
have slimserver 6.5 running on an ubuntu linux machine.

There is an issue here which I'm trying to sort out.. It's to do with the
socket code sitting waiting for a reply from the server and not exiting
properly.. Trouble is it only seems to do it very occasionally, and not
at all when Im trying to debug it.. There are time-outs all over the place,
but they dont seem to be being obeyed when shutting down. Should
have it fixed soon hopefully..

As you say, killing the process is a workaround and shouldnt cause
problems, but it's not ideal..

* Does the artwork get scanned constantly? I have had d_artwork on
(following problems with accented filenames, see
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23304) and noticed that
when moose is running, "Found cached thumb files..." entries are posted
to the log file every second. Without moose running, I only get these
messages about every 30 secs. Whether it matters or not, I don't know.

When a new song starts, the now playing window will ask for the current
artwork every second or so until it gets an image. When it's got this image,
it wont ask again until the next song.

When you browse the library, things are somewhat more complex, but it
should generally only ask the server for images if it needs to.

I'll add d_artwork to my server settings - possibly something's changed
somewhere since I wrote the code..

- Dr Lovegrove
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