ceejay;144357 Wrote: 
> Bump.
> No-one else seeing this?
> Ceejay

(un)fortunatly not - depends on which side you are ;-)
I'm running version 6.5 on linux debian.

Just did a quick search: i found almost 350 titles (part of the 
filename) containing ' and 10 albums (part of the directory name) many
of the rated. 

erland;143445 Wrote: 
> It's actually not totally random, its sorted in the following order:
> 1. Ordered by play count (Most played at the top)
> 2. If two tracks are played equal number of times they are sorted by
> random
> But I can agree that it might be more suitable in this situation to
> actually sort the tracks by track number. I will add it to the wish
> list.

this would be really appreciated!


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