It's a bit more complicated than I thought - some songs won't even play 
audibly with JLayer selected - which is weird as all songs were ripped in an 
identical format by iTunes.


"Neil Cameron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Just before I went to 3.2 - on Win XP with 6.5.3 - I found I was getting 
> no sound from Softsqueeze. If I deselect Java MP3 Plugin in favour or 
> JLayer it works OK.
> I have installed the Java 9 Upgrade, and reinstalled the Java MP3 Plugin, 
> and (for good measure) reinstalled Softsqueeze 3.2, all to no avail.
> Any ideas anyone?
> The track purports to play - the timeline moves across - but still no 
> sound output..
> Neil 

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