Blackfiction wrote: 
> Hi there,
> I just purchased squeeze control for my touch laptop. I continually
> receive errors. The main error being; Error fetching now playing menu:
> request timed out.
> I have set the timeout to 30sec. Is there anything else I can do to get
> rid of the message? 
> I can see the now playing track and the playlist. However, the home menu
> stays empty.
> Does anybody know how to fix this?
> Thanks!

The message means that the app isn't receiving a response from your
server to a timely manner.

Normally, I would say your server is not powerful enough for you
collection, but since you're running LMS on a Win 10 machine that should
not be the case. Not unless you have an insanely huge library (maybe
million+ songs).

If you're on WiFi, make sure you have a good stable connection.  Check
your network too. Sometimes a single faulty cable can cause all sorts of
unexplained problems.

Try clearing the library and doing a full rescan. The music library
maybe corrupted and causing the server to have to do more work than
needed. Also make sure the server machine isn't being overworked by some
other process.

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