holck wrote: 
> So I created a new key and entered it in the plugin settings, but that
> didn't help, unfortunately. I can search for Youtube videos and see the
> thumbnail pictures, but they won't play. On the Google API Manager
> Dashboard, I can see the requests made. The dashboard shows "There are
> no errors for this time period", so I guess the key must be ok.
> The server.log shows, as before
> > 
  >   > [16-12-29 12:13:54.2504] Plugins::YouTube::ProtocolHandler::open (90) 
Couldn't create socket binding to  with timeout: 10 - Network is unreachable
  > [16-12-29 12:13:54.2507] Slim::Player::Song::open (471) Warning: stream 
failed to open [youtube://www.youtube.com/v/DtuVDWy2lFw].
  > [
> > 
> Maybe I can do some debugging of the ProtocolHandler script and find
> out more about what's going wrong.

You can but basically if you look in the debug at the URL sent to get
the file, the 'key' tag is wrong (or at least was wrong, I think I
remember it was just a couple of characters long) and that explains why
you have network error. As long as this URL cannot be used in a wget,
this means there is something wrong not related with the protocol
handler, but with building the URL itself. If you feel comfortable with
that, you can PM me your key, as copied from the setting page and I'll
try to use it

LMS 7.7.5 - 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet, 1xTouch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
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