Regarding the DE/FR changes: 
Could it be that I messed up the charset/strings (which apparantly
affected some DR/FR strings) by extracting the .pm file in Windows

I did not alter anything apart from adding the: "SE  
Swe-string-goes-here"-lines beneath the dutch ones. (At least not
consciously and intentionally ;)

>From what I understand Wordpad/Notepad is not the editors to be used
but I'm not very familiar with latex, emacs, vi and the likes (at least
not yet!). From these, vi is the one that I can (barely) manage best.

Um... and as you can tell I have to find out how to make such a patch
with the SE translation only.
- What editor would you recommend me to use for this activity?

Anyways, I'll have a go at this and do my best when time comes by,
hopefully on Sunday.

By the way, I also noticed that the translation strings was not always
in the same order, for instance EN - DE - FR - NL; in some cases I
found it mixed. The Plugin itself isn't affected but the code would
appear more clean (at least for amateur translators like myself ;) if
the order always was the same.

Thank's for your support and encouragement!

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