rbl wrote: 
> I have done this and the metadata is now there. Thank you for that.
> However the steams are not performing very well. With "Seconds to delay
> start live stream" at 15s and "Buffer fullness threshold" at 255, each
> stream takes nearly 30s to start, it breaks up a couple of times and
> then settles down to work. The HLS streams start reliably in about 1
> second. 
> Running an i5-7400 CPU8GB RAM, SSD. So performance of the PC should not
> be an issue!

This has been seen before - there is something weird with windows and
transcoding.  It happens with some low end system but also some high end
but not middling !!.  I have tried repodiuing on my i5 SSD 16Gb but I
think it may also be somehting to so with UK bit rates.

The problem seem to be high spec multicore system get ahead of the
stream and runs out of data.  The workaround is to increase "delay to
start live stream"  - try 1 min and see how it goes.

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