rbl wrote: 
> FYI, and for anyone else reading this thread, it works even better with
> a 2 minute delay.  With the 1 minute delay it would break up a couple of
> times over the first few minutes of listening and then played reliably.
> With a 2 minute delay I don't get any break up. It starts quickly and
> plays reliably.

The "best" delay varies on the system setup - so my advice is to go
large as a larger buffer of data will always work better.  I named the
setting badly and it gives the impression that you'll have an X minute
delay compared to the live stream which is somehow perceived as "bad". 

This problem shows up more often with W10 than W7 and W8 - so there is
an issue with socketwrapper (transcoding support exe)  and Windows but
as I don't use Windows much, I'm sticking with W7 .

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