Editorp wrote: 
> I'm using iPlayer plugin 1.5.2
> This works great thanks, but only on my Touch, it won't work on my Duet
> or either of my two Classics.
> I think ( but can't be sure now, sorry) that it was working on all
> machines when first installed some months ago.
> Has something changed?

The main difference between a Touch and Classic/Duet is that Touych can
play AAC natively and Classic/Duet need transcoding by LMS.

Check the BBCiPlayer setting and make sure "allow transcoding" is
checked.  If it is check then check using step belwo to make sure
transcoding on your system is working.

If your classic can play an AAC http stream such as
http:/www.somafm.com/illstreet64.pls - then transcoding on LMS is OK and
problem is elsewhere.

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