bpa wrote: 
> The faad version that was supplied with LMS should have worked. IIRC The
> replacement faad was only for a situation whcih only affect a few (i.e.
> not all) files / On Demand programs.
> I worry you had a different issue (e.g. running 64 bit exec faad on a 32
> bit OS - not sure what Windows restrictions are these days) . 

Thanks bpa, yes I'm sure you're right, a simple reboot may well have
sorted me out without the hassle. However, I learned a few things.
I think my main issue is that I'm hanging on to an old machine that's
well past it's sell by date!

bpa wrote: 
> If you change a faad.exe - there is no need to reboot or restart LMS for
> change to take effect - it will happen next time a new transcode is
> started.

Understood, it was just belt and braces, sadly knowing far less than you
on the matter, I went for a "can't do any harm" approach!

It's been behaving all day now so could well have been a glitch.

best wishes, P

XP, yes seriously!
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