Hallo Harald,

I just uploaded the Logfile :-)

Unfortunately there's not much more I can say:

  _headers => bless({
        "access-control-allow-credentials" => "true",
"access-control-allow-headers" => "Accept, Authorization, Origin, Content-Type", "access-control-allow-methods" => "GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE",
        "access-control-allow-origin" => "*",
        "access-control-max-age" => 604_800,
        "cache-control" => "private, max-age=0",
        connection => "close",
        "content-encoding" => "gzip",
        "content-type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        date => "Thu, 13 Jul 2017 19:19:10 GMT",
        server => "nginx",
      }, "HTTP::Headers"),
_msg => "Bad Gateway",
_rc => 502,

What does that tell us? We've received an error "502 - Bad Gateway". The error happens on Spotify's end: "nginx" is a web server very popular to be put in front of the application server. Seeing this value in the header tells me that we do reach their server. But their own server does receive an invalid or no response from its own backend server. That's the meaning of 502.

So there's little I can do. I can certainly make sure Spotty doesn't crash or lock up when this happens. But if they return invalid data, then I can't fix this.


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