Mercenary wrote: 
> Hi,
> I just added the plugin and came to exactly this point.
> Turned out it was some space characters before and after the ClientID
> and ClientSecret. 
> Try to check whether you have those as well. As soon as I deleted them
> and clicked on REFRESH (a couple of times) it worked.
> Strange enough I had to add the security code to Youtube about 3 times
> before the Squeezeserver managed to load my playlist but now it works.
> Good luck.
> Stupid thing is....everything is loaded and displayed nicely. But I
> don't get any sound :( 
> What could still be wrong?
> EDIT: IS playing but it actually studders a lot. To a point
> where it is not useful. Anything that can be done about this? Cache size
> or so?
> Cool plugin however...I am sure there is a way to make it working!
> Thanks a lot.
> Merc

Usually it's because of either a slow internet connection, which is
unlikely these days or, more often your DNS settings through your ISP
that are slow / bad. It's because I'm doing dowwloading by chunks that
require frequent DNS request. Use google DNS or open DNS. Last resort,
on file, there is a line at the beginning that says
DATA_CHUNK 65536. You can increase that by 4 and see what it does

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