mherger wrote: 
> Yeah, something is not quite right there... I did get some random
> skipping of tracks, too. And looking at the diagram of requests being
> used I bet there's too many "pause" events going on:
> 23731
> That orange line is the "pause" command, while the other lines represent
> all kinds of other API calls, like getting playlists, searches etc...
> And that's for all users together, many of which probably haven't even
> tested Connect yet.I am getting the skipping tracks today after around 8 
> seconds the
pause/play icon changes and the track skips. The skipping only seems to
happen if the pause icon is displayed in the Spotify app and the time
bar is changing. If the play icon is displayed and the time bar is not
changing skipping does not occur.
When the time bar is not changing in Spotify it is changing in LMS.

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