HeadBanger wrote: 
> If there were some simple guidelines (i.e. an idiot's guide!) on how to
> repackage the spk file to include new versions of LMS from the nightlies
> I think most of us here would give it a go. Can anyone here shed some
> light on how pinkdot compiled these?

Pinkdot claims he has posted the recipe in some threads. I have not had
any success finding it though.
But it might be pretty simple: 

If you jump into it, you might also want to look at and compare with
Synology's "official" LMS790 beta packages, which I believe pinkdot
based his LmsUpdate packages on:

As of today, there hasn't really been any significant new development on
LMS791 since pinkdot created his last packages:

If anybody is looking for pinkdots last LmsUpdate package for Synology
Intel-based NAS models, I currently have it available for download here:

'www.*rockland*.dk' (http://www.rockland.dk) -
'www.*last.fm*/user/rockland' (https://last.fm/user/rockland) -
(https://discogs.com/user/StigNygaard) -
'*plus.google*.com/+StigNygaard' (https://google.me/+StigNygaard)
*Server:* LMS 7.9.1 ('LmsRepack'
(http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?107180)) - 1503129892 @
Sat Aug 19 on Synology DS716+II.  *Clients:* 'RPi3 (Max2Play, 7\" touch,
HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)'
(https://shop.max2play.com/en/raspberry-pi-2-bundle-7-display.html), SB
Touch, OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer. *Livingroom HiFi:* Marantz PM6005
and F3/Lyd Audiovector 2.
Try my *'Art Grabr' (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/20771)*
for fetching big *cover-art* from various sites - And *'Album Linkr'
(https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/21153)* for a better *last.fm*
desktop browser experience...
Stig Nygaard's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107180

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