Set the logging for the Qobuz plugin = Debug. 

Response of Qobuz/Plugin confirms Hifi Lossless streaming

      my $a = {
  user => {
  avatar          => 
  country         => "NL",
  country_code    => "NL",
  credential      => {
  description => "Abonnee Qobuz Hifi",
  id => 999_999
  label => "streaming-lossless",
  parameters => {
  color_scheme                => { logo => "#B8D729" },
  hfp_purchase                => bless(do{\(my $o = 0)}, "JSON::XS::Boolean"),
  "hires_purchases_streaming" => 'fix',
  hires_streaming             => 'fix',
  "included_format_group_ids" => [2, 3, 4],
  label                       => "Qobuz Hi-Fi",
  lossless_streaming          => bless(do{\(my $o = 1)}, "JSON::XS::Boolean"),
  lossy_streaming             => 'fix',
  mobile_streaming            => 'fix',
  offline_streaming           => 'fix',
  short_label                 => "Hi-Fi",
  email           => "xxxx\",
  externals       => {},
  firstname       => "Smeets",
  id              => 999_999,
  language_code   => "nl",
  lastname        => "",
  login           => "xxxxxxx",
  player_settings => {
  browser                 => {
  applicationCache    => 'fix',
  browserName         => undef,
  browserVersion      => 0,
  context             => "web",
  cookieEnabled       => 'fix',
  language            => "nl-NL",
  localStorage        => 'fix',
  osName              => "windows",
  platform            => "Win32",
  qobuzDesktopVersion => undef,
  qobuzPlayerVersion  => "2.4.v0.39.0.HEAD 13.07.2016 11:10",
  systemUID           => undef,
  touchDevice         => 'fix',
  userAgent           => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; 
SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center 
PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3; zoomrc 4.4.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
  webAudio            => 'fix',
  excluded_genre_ids      => [112, 64, 127, 133, 2, 91, 94, 142, 167, 59],
  facebook_auto_login     => 'fix',
  featured_menu           => "maximize",
  friends                 => [""],
  last_state              => { datetime => "1490279411", page => [""], track => 
undef },
  now_playing             => "maximize",
  player_audio_format     => 6,
  player_crossfade        => 'fix',
  player_fullscreen       => 'fix',
  player_mute             => 'fix',
  "player_offline_format" => 6,
  player_volume           => 100,
  playlists_sort          => "alphabetical",
  sidebar                 => "maximize",
  sidebar_width           => 351,
  store           => "NL-nl",
  zone            => "NL",
  user_auth_token => 
  $a->{user}{credential}{parameters}{"hires_purchases_streaming"} = 
  $a->{user}{credential}{parameters}{hires_streaming} = 
  $a->{user}{credential}{parameters}{lossy_streaming} = 
  $a->{user}{credential}{parameters}{mobile_streaming} = 
  $a->{user}{credential}{parameters}{offline_streaming} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{browser}{applicationCache} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{browser}{cookieEnabled} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{browser}{localStorage} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{browser}{touchDevice} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{browser}{webAudio} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{facebook_auto_login} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{player_crossfade} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{player_fullscreen} = 
  $a->{user}{player_settings}{player_mute} = 

now continue with streaming, first retrieval after starting the stream:

    [17-12-27 10:44:22.2015] Plugins::Qobuz::API::_get (647)

does the all-black SB sound better than the white SB?
hsmeets's Profile:
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