My problem is that a while ago the spotify connect feature became very
"erratic". It sometimes just stops working and then after a couple of
restarts it comes back again. What I noticed is that it never works when
the "disableDiscovery" flag is set to 1. But for some reason it keeps
switching back to that, even if I deactivate the checkbox or edit the
spotty.prefs (while the LMS is turned off) it comes back after a while
and then my phone and macbook are not able to "see" the player anymore.

That flag would be set if the helper crashed a few times within a few minutes (I think 3x in 5 minutes). Because if that happens we can assume discovery doesn't work, but makes the helper crash. Therefore the plugin disables discovery mode.

When it's disabled, are you sure your phone's Spotify app is configured with the same credentials as your Spotty plugin?


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