phin586 wrote: 
> Does this plugin support multiple inputs?  
> I would like to have 2 sources of input, chromecast audio and line out
> from my basement audio setup that has a few analog sources hooked up to
> it.  
> I could hook the chromecast up to that, but i do not always wish to have
> that running.

The waveinput plugin plays an "URL" with the form wavin:xxxx where xxxx
is the device designator (e.g. ALSA sysdefault:CARD=PCH or plughw:0,0)
you want to play.  The plugin can be invoked as many times as you have
players each with a different device - it usually invoked using a
"wavin:xyxyxy" type URLs saved as  Favorites. 

The difficult part of the plugin is getting the "right" device and the
"right" playing executable as it may be different dependin on the audio
You must spend time getting the right command and device to capture your
audio input and save into a WAV format on a command line otherwise you
will waste time if you try to use the plugin first on a trial and error

for example - the default ALSA custom-convert.conf uses arecord 

  # wavin 
  wavin pcm * * 
        # R
        [arecord] -d0 -c2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 -traw -D $FILE$ 
  wavin mp3 * *
        # RB:{BITRATE=-B %B}
        [arecord] -d0 -c2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 -twav -D $FILE$ | [lame] --silent 
-q $QUALITY$ -v $BITRATE$ - -
  wavin flc * * 
        # R
        [arecord] -d0 -c2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 -twav -D $FILE$ | [flac] -cs 
--totally-silent --compression-level-0 -

whereas pulseaudio will use parec

  # wavin 
  wavin pcm * * 
        # R
        [parec] --channels=2 --format=s16le --rate=44100 --file-format=raw -D 
  wavin mp3 * *
        # RB:{BITRATE=-B %B}
        [parec] --file-format=wav -d $FILE$  | [lame] --silent -q $QUALITY$ -v 
  wavin flc * * 
        # R
        [nc] -l $FILE$ 

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