boye wrote: 
> This player seems like the perfect match for my NUC / Topping D50 dac
> combo. 
> Using usb connection and ASIO I can play music files with their native
> sampling frequency. Sleep mode works like a charm, too. 
> 25474
> There is a fly in the ointment, however: When I cue/fast forward in a
> track or skip/change track during playback there is a 'click' or 'pop'
> sound. Any ideas how to solve this? 
> Also, I can see the 'Advanced SqueezeLite' tab and settings, but I would
> like to know how to change them if necessary.

No clue on the popping sound.

As for Squeezelite Advanced Settings, the way you enter them is to press
the "More" button next to the Player Name field on the "Server/Player"
tab of the Settings Page.  There you can manually type in the settings
you want, such as "-r <rates>[:<delay>]".  I don't have any experience
using any of those advanced features dealing with sampling rates,
codecs, and stream buffers, so I can't really help you there.  I would
recommend you go to the squeezelite forum for help there.

R Greg Dawson

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