Hi Phillipe.

I have been using your plug in, and it has worked beautifully, until

After running some maintenance utilities this evening to clear stale
caches, etc. on the server machine, the bridge can no longer start.

I enabled logging, and generated the following crash report:

[23:24:52.643307] main:1113 Starting squeeze2cast version: v1.6.2 (Oct
23 2018 @ 17:45:17)
[23:24:52.644752] Start:900 Binding to
[23:24:52.645041] Start:911 Cannot start mDNS searcher
[23:24:52.645059] main:1153 Cannot start uPnP
[23:24:52.645071] Stop:928 stopping squeezelite devices ...
[23:24:52.645142] Stop:938 stopping Cast devices ...
[23:24:52.645198] main:1206 all done

Can you advise on how to remedy this crash situation?  
Many thanks for your assistance and for developing this exceptional plug

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