I'm running Material 0.1.0 against a couple of SB Classics that have
their volume controls fixed at 100% in LMS.

(I control the volume via my stereo using the IRBlaster plugin that
issues Volume up/down infrared to stereo when LMS receives Volume
up/down commands)

Under Material this works fine in the Manage Players dialog screen.  The
volume bar sits at 100%, but I can still volume up/down and the commands
go through to LMS (and therefore IR blaster)

On the Volume Pop-over (?) dialog screen, the volume bar sits at 100%, I
an do a volume down and it goes through to LMS, but the volume ups don't
appear to work.  Maybe there's slightly different volume up handling
code in there than your Manage Player dialog, but it's as if the Volume
Up is not being issued if volume is at 100%.

Is it possible to change these so it's the same as volume handling on
Manager Players?


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