cpd73 wrote: 
> I've added a landscape layout for the next release. I'm not 100% happy
> with it - but (as stated multiple times) I'm no web developer, so its
> the best I can do. Would be nice for someone else to have a look.

rgdawson wrote: 
> "I'm not 100% happy with it"... Me neither :).  I realize we all have
> our different use cases.  Mine is desktop, but I like the mobile layout
> (the way it was).  It is the best thing I have seen for big beautiful
> full screen, where the album art it nice and huge and in the middle. 
> The new landscape layout for mobile ruins that for me, as it puts the
> album art on the left and leaves me alot of empty space on the right. 
> I'm guessing since you are not 100% happy yet either, that you may still
> be experimenting with it, so I wanted to get you this feedback. 
> Because, of course, I consider my own preferences the most important,
> haha.  (Joking)  Not sure what to recommend, though.
> Continued respects.
> R Greg Dawson

Well, this is growing on me and I do like it sometimes.  So maybe all it
needs is some centering of the art/title combo for the really wide

R Greg Dawson

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