cpd73 wrote: 
> Seeing as you have an iPhone X - can you checkout the latest git
> version? I've made a quick mod for the 'safe area bottom' adjustment.
> However, I have no idea if it works - as I have no iPhone Xs to test
> with. What I would like is if the white line in your screenshot is
> further away from the text - i.e the navbar should be taller, with the
> text higher.
> [Edit] If you do checkout the git version, ensure you clear your
> browser's cache and restart LMS to ensure it is the latest version being
> used.

I'm not entirely sure how to install from Github.
-I download the github archive
-Extracted the the MaterialSkin folder
-Stopped LMS
-Deleted  ...\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\MaterialSkin
-Copied the extracted MaterialSkin to
-Started LMS

LMS started without errors...
-On my Laptop I then cleared site data, my pinned Spotify was removed as
a proof.
But for Laptop browsing the Album art is now way to large and hides the
BTW, I can't force the browser to the Mobile skin, it reverts to desktop
when I try

-On the iPhone X there is no difference in the Portrait or Landscape
On iPhone I don't now how to clear cache-data, but I started a private
tab which didn't remember the pinned Spotify

This is how it looks in Chrome...

|Filename: Clipboard01.jpg                                          |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26371|

NAS: QNAP TS-459U+ -QTS 4.2.6- (4x 2TB, RAID5)
Services: LMS- 7.9.1 -,  QLMS- 1.07.3-    'QLMS at QNAP club'
Squeezebox:  6x Reciever, 3x Boom, 2x SB3 Classic
Other:  iPeng on iPad and iPhone
jasell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17817
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=109624

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