ynot1234567890 wrote: 
> The attached screen shot says your authentication for spotify is invalid
> and that the command *jq* is not supported. jq is a command-line JSON
> processor.  Got to look carefully at the output when there are issues.
> :p
> For spotify ensure client_id and client_secret are correct.  Add command
> jq by installing the package if its not already there.  Not sure exactly
> how you do it on Synology.
> The package could even be installed inside the docker container I
> suppose though that may be trickier.
> EDIT:  While reviewing the script I see the token is retrieved using the
> jq command.  So that is likely why the token is invalid.  Like client_id
> and secret are OK.
> Ynot

Installed jq doing this and I'm in business using docker.  What a royal
pain this was but I certianly learned a lot and thats a good thing. 
Thanks again for all the help.  Hope this helps anyone else that has a
synology diskstation.

# Install xml-to-json
RUN wget "http://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/linux64/jq"; && chmod 755

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