wt0 wrote: 
> Ok, it turns out Oreo had an annoying change to how it sends media
> button events.  In previous versions of Android and app just has to tell
> the system that it is the active audio app and the media events would
> get sent to it.  With Oreo the app that last played audio locally is the
> one that gets the media events, ALL other previous methods of signalling
> active status is ignored.
> Since Squeeze Ctrl doesn't play audio it would never get the media
> button events.  Fortunately, it looks like I just have create the
> resources for audio playback and tell it to play, even without giving it
> any audio data, and that would be enough to register the app as having
> played audio.
> I'll get it fixed in the next update

This is terrific news. Thank you.

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