The squeezelite-win exe is still created on my winxp build system as
I've been unable to compile the ffmpeg decoder library on the win7 build
VM.  XP was known to have unicode issues.  Just laziness on my part as I
could just compile ffmpeg on XP and move the libs to win7.  It's really
time to move it all to win10 but the last time I tried to compile
squeezelite on VS2013 it didn't work.

All that aside, the unicode device name handling is happening in
portaudio but squeezelite is using 'a simple printf to list the device
names returned'
Unfortunately, all my build systems are currently offline as I'm in the
process of moving the VMware host server to a new data centre so I can't
easily test using a win32 api call to display the device list instead,
for a another week or so but that's likely at least part of the problem.
I'd like to work together to fix this in squeezelite, if that's truely
where this issue exists, instead of a work around in slx, if possible.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
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