1) if I have a .lrc file along with a similarly named .flac file MAI
will use that

2) if no such file exists MAI will look in its .txt store and if a file
exists will use that

3) if no .txt file exists in the store MAI will look online and if
successful will display the lyrics AND write a .txt file into the store
for future use

That's correct.

If this logic is correct then I agree with Craig that for browsing (and
editing to correct mistakes or encoding errors) the .txt store needs to
be organised a bit more.

v1.3.2 is on the way to you.

@Michael does it make much difference in the programming or could this
be a user selectable option?

I won't go beyond provide that lyrics folder with sub-folders per track. If you want something better, then I suggest you tag your tracks with lyrics. There are tools to do this.


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