mherger wrote: 
> Hi tole,
> > I have a recurring problem with the spotty app: within the timeframe
> of
> > a few (2 to 5) days, the plugin forgets my username/password. The I
> have
> The plugin never stores username/password. Your conclusion must be wrong
> :-).
> Could you please tell me what why you think it's forgetting
> credentials?

Thank you for the quick reaction! But now you have got me confused :-) -
I will try to clarify.

State 1. When everything works, the spotty settings page in the web
interface shows me my spotify username at the top and the settings for
spotty. This is the normal workable state, where my kids can select
their "Drei ??? Kids" on the touch in the living room and everything
else works nicely.

State 2. However, every few 2-5 days, my kids (or me) only get the
message to check the settings in the web interface. Then, the spotty
settings page in the web interface shows me the instructions for
"Spotify Anmeldung" through connect (just like the very first time after
install - this is what I interpreted as the plugin forgetting my
credentials). I then use my phone or windows spotify app to perform
"Spotity Anmeldung". Then we are back at state 1, web interface settings
page shows my username and all the spotty settings again. 

My question is: can the plugin just stay in state 1? 

Best, Tole

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