bodiug wrote: 
> When I open the album Right For Me from The Teskey Brothers using Qobuz
> I'm getting more "tracks" then on the album. Looks to me there's
> something going wrong with parsing? 

I'd need to see the LMS response to the album listing request. Please do
the following:

- Start LMS in a desktop browser using
  "http://SERVER:9000/material/desktop?debug=json"; (replace SERVER with
  your LMS's hostname, or IP address)
- Open your browser's developer tools
- In the developer tools, go to the 'Console' tab
- Using Material navigate to the list where the album is shown, but do
  *not* click on the album just yet
- In your browser's console tab, click the clear icon (might look like
  a trash can).  This is to remove the logging of the current messages
  (as not interested in those)
- Now click on the ablum, to show the list in your image
- The console tab should now show the request for the track list, and
  LMS's response. Please respond to this threead with those.

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