d6jg wrote: 
> This is quite weird. I can reproduce this behaviour many times over on 2
> separate LMS installs (although admittedly with the same library). I
> wondered whether it was an LMS version issue but I have upgraded one of
> the two installs to the latest nightly and both still display the same
> issue. On my main LMS I have also done a complete clear & rescan. 
> Eric Clapton's, I Shot The Sherriff gives me Bob Marley's bio every
> time. His version of Cocaine gives me J.J. Cale's, and his version of
> Stormy Monday gives me T.Bone Walker *but* his version of Little Wing
> written by Jimi Hendrix gives me Eric Clapton !!!
> Here is the Little Wing debug
> > 
  >   > [11:31:25 AM] JSON PLAYER (b8:27:eb:82:34:3c): 
 VBR","albumartist_ids":"377940","album_id":"146296","album":"Crossroads 2: 
Live In The Seventies","tracknum":"8","genre":"Rock","trackartist":"Eric 
 USB DAC","mixer volume":80}
  > utils.min.js?r=0.9.4:26 [11:31:28 AM] JSON REQ: 
  > utils.min.js?r=0.9.4:26 [11:31:28 AM] JSON REQ: 
  > utils.min.js?r=0.9.4:26 [11:31:28 AM] JSON REQ: 
> > 
> Here you can see that "composer":"Jimi Hendrix","artist_id":"377940"
> is in fact Eric Clapton's artist_id
> I think you are correct in saying there is something odd in the LMS
> code that causes it but sine Michael has been very quiet I guess he is
> on another holiday - lazy B.
> If you modify to read trackartist_ids what will you do if there is a
> multi value (I assume the _ids designation means it could be a multi
> value) - just take the first ?What do you see when you select "artist 
> informarion" from the context
menu? I can select either Linda Ronstadt (artist) or Neil Young

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