I find it a bit odd to see you making a comment here, and not in the
'--nomysqueezebox thread'. But please say so, if you don't want us to
use or promote --nomysqueezebox.

I've left similar comments every now and then. Whenever I see the "feature" getting too much attention I add to it. My bad :-).

One thing I would like to know is if Logitech is still using this shared
data, and if this is compliant the General Data Protection Regulation

Yes, it is. I'm not the expert myself, but we do have experts asking me questions and telling me what to do in this regard.

First of all: there's no data collected for the sake of collecting data. I removed analytics code years ago.


The SB related websites no longer use Google Analytics and the likes. I think we no longer pull in any resource from any outside host.

What I call "data" is what is being stored as part of the integration. Prefs syncing and app configurations. Plus technical data like web server log files logging requests. That's it. We don't even store prefs about non-Logitech hardware players. It's really all about the feature of potentially switching a player from LMS to mysb.com and back.

Second: "Logitech" as a larger organization does not actively use this data. What I'm asked for every now and then is summarized numbers like "how many users/devices are there". I'm likely the only one even knowing how to get to that data. AFAIK there are only three people (including myself) who have access to the database.

And you can easily delete your account from mysb.com.

If you didn't provide credentials in LMS but didn't apply the --nomysb flag either, the devices would still use the image proxy on mysb.com to speed up image resizing. All the data collected in this case is the log entry in nginx' access.log file. That's what I'd use to estimate the number of players out there still actively being used.

With --nomysb applied I don't have that information any more. Which means I don't "see" those installations.

I'm sorry for this totally off-topic, and rather lengthy posting. But you asked for it :-P. I definitely don't want to be a pain about the nomysb flag. After all I did implement it. But as so often I didn't consider the negative impact it might have. I considered it an easy way for myself to make sure LMS would still run without mysb.com. Only later I came to realize that it could also prevent me from making sure mysb.com does not go away too soon...

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