d6jg wrote: 
> Hang on fellas.
> The only reason that this has reared its head is me testing
> phillchillbill's MediaSever skill for Alexa. This provides two modes of
> operation 1) as a controller for existing players of whatever type and
> 2) as a player in its own right where it uses stream.mp3.
> As far as 1) is concerned there is no issue with playing Tidal, Qobuz
> etc although voice control needs perfecting.
> It is 2) that generates the issue but we already know that Alexa Echo
> devices are (in the main) HD capable from Amazon Music HD however at
> present there is no documentation on how a developer can utilise that
> capablity but surely that must only be a question of time?
> If so is it even worth trying to transcode a remote stream for this
> single use case which could go away very quickly.

With regard to it being 'a question of time': Amazon took a year to make
certain Smart Home functionality that was available to en-US skills also
available across the pond for en-GB. Why? Who knows. They may see it as
a competitive advantage that only Amazon HD is capable of FLAC and may
want to block other streaming providers while they sell HD
subscriptions. So I'd love to be wrong, but /stream.mp3 may be with us
for longer than you'd like... Just sayin'

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