Apesbrain wrote: 
> Something I would find very useful is the ability to sort results
> differently depending on the genre.  For instance, when I choose from
> the list of available albums by Pink Floyd, I want to see them in date
> order.  However, when I look at works available by Ludwig Van Beethoven,
> I want to see them alphabetical by album.

Not to keen on sorting per-genre. However, Material has the concept of
'Composer genres' and 'Conductor genres'. For a genre defined in
'Composer genres', when you list 'My Music -> Genres -> GenreName' it
will prompt to show 'Artists', 'Albums', or 'Composers' - likewise with
'Conductor genres'. So, I could save the album sort order for 'Composer
genres'/'Conductor genres' separately. Then Material would save 4
album-sort orders; 

-  Order of Albums in main 'Albums' list
-  Order of Albums under one of the 'Artist' lists, under 'Genres'
  where genre is not one of the Composer/Conductor genres
-  Order of Albums in the 'Albums' list for a genre in
  Composer/Conductor genres when navigated via 'My Music -> Genres ->
  $GenreName -> Albums'
-  Order of Albums under one of the Artists/Composers/Conductors lists
  for a genre in Composer/Conductor genres when navigated via 'My Music
  -> Genres -> $GenreName -> Artists/Composers/Conductors -> $Name'

1&2 alreadty exists, 3&4 would be new.

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Another "Classical" oddity: some CDs have works by multiple
> composers/orchestras/conductors.  Often, I'll break these into separate
> "albums" but keep all the files in the same folder ordered by track
> number.  It would be great to have an option when selecting one of these
> albums to "Play all from folder".  This would replicate playback of the
> original CD.

Nah, sorry - that's a very specific use case.

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