cpd73 wrote: 
> Material queries LMS for its language. If it returns 'en' then the
> browser's language is checked, and that is then used. I think this was
> originally so that if LSM was 'en', and the brower was 'en-gb' then
> 'en-gb' was used. I'm thinking this is only partially correct. I think I
> should change the code so that if LMS is 'en' then only use the
> browser's language if it starts with 'en' - this will allow mixing LMS
> 'en' with browser 'en-gb', but not mixing LMS 'en' with (e.g.) browser
> 'de'

That's what LMS on my ArchLinux Arm server shows:

  Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
  Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
  Platform Architecture: aarch64-linux
  Perl Version: 5.30.1 - aarch64-linux-thread-multi

Let me know if you need more info.

:::'  my audioblog  - latest series: RaspBerry PI - \"The Audio Engine\"
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