505 wrote: 
> The plugin uses mixcloud-downloader.com to get the playable track.
> However, that site is giving a 502 BAD GATEWAY error. That's not
> something I can solve.
> Well, at least not on the short run. It could be solved by setting up my
> own webservice to get the playable track, but I really don't know how
> many people use the Mixcloud plugin, and what the costs would be of such
> a webservice.

Hi there,
I am not a heavy user of the mixcloud plugin (although I very much
appreciate it), but , I was a regular user of mixcloud-downloader.com.
The site is broken since early March.

And, I would like to pass the following message to the author of the LMS
I don't think you need to launch your own web service.
Please consider that there are many other sites, from which the source
URL of a Micxloud stream can be scraped.
An example would be. https: / / www, dlmixcloud, com
That site appears to have a very similar interface to
mixcloud-downloader, and, it returns the original mixcloud stream URL
under a red button "Download mix"
I am not sure if it helps. Yeah, red button: I have no clue about
coding, Perl, etc.

Cheers, burbie

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