wt0 wrote: 
> Can't really call it a bug when Squeeze Ctrl was never designed to run
> on Android TV and has never been certified to run on Android TV. In fact
> it shouldn't be available for download on that platform.
> SB Player should automatically pause when another app starts playing
> audio.
Thanks - yes SP Player does stop when other audio starts. Have you
considered getting SqueezeCtrl certified for Android TV and boxes? I am
sure many people would like to use SB on their TV's and be able to
control it with their remotes. It is mostly there bar a couple of things
(missing highlights and higher contrast highlights for a 10 foot
interface). Using a TV remote is easier than using a mobile. At the
moment I am using Emby Media Server to play both video and music but it
is nowhere near as good as SB for the latter.

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