cpd73 wrote: 
> Thanks for testing. I originally implemented my URL query parameter
> approach, and this did adjust the size of the bottom nav. Is there
> anyway for you to check what the env value actually is? Perhaps its
> being read as 0
> If you create a file named -material-skin.mobile.css- within your LMS's
> -prefs/plugin/- folder with just:
> > 
  >   > 
  > :root {
  > --bottom-nav-pad:64px;
  > }
> > 
> ...refresh browser cache, etc. Does that them move the text up? (64px
> is just a guess - probably way too much!)

The env was working, --bottom-nav-pad was getting set to 52px. I tried
increasing that value manually, but it was not causing the toolbar
button text to move at all. It wasn't until I manually set a value for
bottom on those divs than the text moved (though I doubt bottom is the
right attribute to be setting, my css skills are faded with lack of use

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