[20-05-04 15:33:48.2413] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (121) Error: DBI 
Exception: DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: NOT NULL constraint failed: 
multilibrary_album.album [for Statement "INSERT INTO multilibrary_album 
(library,album) SELECT ?,tracks.album FROM tracks,multilibrary_track where 
tracks.id=multilibrary_track.track and multilibrary_track.library=? group by 
tracks.album" with ParamValues: 1=2, 2=2]

That sounds very MultiLibrary specific... unfortunately I have no experience with it whatsoever. Does it have a debug flag which would give use more information?

If it ends with this "Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (710) Completed
dbOptimize Scan in 560 seconds" it should be fine. I think Custom Scan


waits for this. Only one way to find out. I'll do my trademarked cache
wiping and rescan forcing routine later.

That would be pretty bad if it run _after_ the scan, and inside LMS. But it must have been this way for years. So it can't be too bad :-).

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