philippe_44 wrote: 
> Yes but that's one of the differences with the group: it is assembled
> when playback starts. I gives a lot of flexibility, but small drawbacks
> like this one. It would be complicated to implement but it's also a
> design choice b/c I don't want players to be "grabbed" when they are
> powered while one of their groups is already playing. It would be a user
> annoyance when power up a player to have it suddenly join a dynamic
> group. Say SB "bedroom" is off (I want peace) but Group "podcast" (which
> normally includes SB "bedroom" plays, listened by Wife. I'm powering up
> SB "bedroom". I don't want the podcast to play my bedroom. Not
> mentioning that a player can be member of multiple groups, so which one
> to chooseI wonder why the powered on Squeezebox did actually join the group on
two out of three occasions I tried this. Is it worth messing around with
logging for the plugin to see what is going on. The other day I set the
group player as the alarm and turned on the second player after the
alarm was triggered. This time the second player did not join the group
which is the intended behaviour. I then powered off the second player
and set another alarm a few minutes later. When I powered on the second
player after the alarm went off this time it did join the group. Any
idea why the behaviour was different the second time? 

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