P1GOU1 wrote: 
> Hello bpa,
> I have raspbian buster OS on raspberry pi, your plugin is set on my
> server.
> But impossible to play cd with him.
> My first error was "Error loading CD index - (-1) No CD in drive"
> after having followed device on this topic, section 'how to configure a
> cd player),
> I hear my cd turn into player but nothing, and this new message on
> plugin :
> Error loading CD index - (-2) Error - failed to get response from either
> CDDB or MusicBrainz'
> Could you help me ? 
> It's the last step for finished my multiroom !
> Jeremy

It's not a plugin I use much now so I have to get things set up.  Be
warned a lot has changed in systems and internet service since plugin
was written 12 years ago and it relies on cdda2wav (aka icedax) which
was written in 1990s.

One of the changes is that the Freedb CDDB service is now gone and only
MusicBrainz is available and so CDplayer settings "Select the database
used to lookup CD title & track info" should be set to the "Lookup CDs
on MusicBrainz" option as the CDDB will not work.

The plugin cannot tell whether you have a slot drive or a drive with a
door & tray so some error about CD not being loaded may not be accurate
as it assumes a drive with a door & tray.

What version of LMS ?
What model of Pi 
What UI & player ?  (there is a quirk in Squeezeplay & Touch) 

In order to check that problem is plugin related or not 
- From a shell prompt can cdda2wav produce track table

  cdda2wav device=/dev/cdrom -verbose-level=toc -N -g -J

- Can you rip a track - the following will rip track #2 into a file
called track2.wav in WAV format. After ripping check it plays.

  cdda2wav device=/dev/cdrom -verbose-level=all -t 2 track2.wav

If the above two step cannot be done then need to check whether CD drive
is working properly over USB.

USB powered external CD drive can erratically fail due to lack of power.

* Is the CD player USB powered (single or double headed USB cable) or a
separate PSU ? 
* What is model of Pi ? 
* what is the model of External CD drive ?
* Is there anything else (er.hg. a HDD) attached to Pi's USB ?
* Version of LMS 

if cdda2wav commands worked OK & tracks rips OK - then issues is
probably with plugin.

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