mcoste wrote: 
> Bonjour quart-temps. 
> I don't understand what you mean by that. You write "I get sound if I
> use the Squeezelite-X player" but also "I didn't manage to get sound's
> through the speaker's"
> Do you get SLX working standalone on the PC, without synchronization to
> the RPI and squeezebox? 
> Is your problem synchronizing 3 players, or is the problem that you're
> unable to output sound on the PC? 
> You could try installing 'Squeezeplay'
> (
> and check if you get sound (on my PC I have an intermittent bug with SLX
> (squeezelite) and not with Squeezeplay). You can use SLX to control the
> Squeezeplay player by disabling the integrated SLX squeezelite player).

Bonjour mcoste,

I would like to synchronize my PC speaker with the squeezelite installed
on my RPI (with moode, named "Moode-Squeezelite"), which is already
synchronized with my wife's squeezebox.
With squeezelite-x, I would like to hear the music of the
"Moode-Squeezelite" player. But I only manage to hear the music of the
"Squeezelite-X" player.

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