Looking through the log you posted.

I didn't appreciate how many BBCOnAir messages were sent - normally
failure would mean one attempt every 30 secs but it is non-stop. Not
sure if this is also a bug.

The rapid and frequent try & fail would definitely load the processor.

The other messages are also a bit odd.  It implies that replies with
audio from BBC are taking a long time - for example 12.9 & 5.8 sec delay
rather than typical 100-150msec.

  [20-10-04 14:38:44.6521] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (806) Chunk 
fetch status 200 Long chunk fetch time 12943   1000
  [20-10-04 14:38:44.6564] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (806) Chunk 
fetch status 200 Long chunk fetch time 5894   1000

Not sure if the delay is a side effect of the BBCOnAir processing or a
different network fault.

Can you try playing the live station but  this time disable BBCOnAir
request by uncheckung the BBCiPlayer Settings "Show OnAir text"

What is the type of player ?

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