cpd73 wrote: 
> These pages, as with all 'Extras' items, are taken from the 'Classic'
> (not 'Default') skin with some CSS tweaks and icon replacement (looks
> like I missed 2 icons). Whilst I use MusicIP (via my own DSTM mixer), I
> do not use SugarCube so cannot check. Do these pages work if you use the
> 'Classic' skin?

I can confirm these pages work in the "default" but not the "classic".

location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control
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