2.5.2 is a bug fix release.

Version 2.5.0 Included the following :

- Live streams added to "Stations & Schedules"
- Live Programme as a "Track" in LMS allowing the standard squeezebox
  controls to be used for rewind/fast forward/seeking the current live

The new version 2.52 fixes the following bug fix :

- 'Skip to next track not handled correctly on live streams'

The skip back and skip next buttons should now behave correctly on the
live streams.   
Skip back (single press on the rewind button the radio) will send you to
the start of the current programme (regardless of when you started
Skip next (single press on the fast forward button the radio) will send
you to the start of the next programme if its available.  OR return you
to the current live broadcast point (making it a quick way of returning
to live if you have skipped back either by seeking or going to the start
of the programme.

2.5.2 is in the beta repository now and will be in the stand repository
in the next refresh (in a couple of hours I think)

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