garnet1 wrote: 
> Many thanks BPA - incidentally the problem accessing plugin repositories
> is the reason I ended up on 8.0.0!!  Was trying to go back full circle
> and fall back into what i hoped would be the safe hands of 7.9.3.
> I will try to manually install the plugin as per your instructions - I'm
> assuming I can access the folders and alter the xml through samba -
> hopefully all should turn out well .
> Really appreciate you taking the time helping me out.

With PCP - the initial issue might be no "plugins" directory.  LMS WebUI
Settings/Information gives a list of the directories which it search for
plugins - it should guide you in the PCP setup.

When you edit any file remotely - make sure you use an editor that you
can select to use Linux line endings and not MSDOS/Windows line endings.

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