it looks like google has changed the process for generating the keys. I
am not able to use the search function and have been trying to generate
new APi as mentioned by  few users lately. I am not getting past OAuth
client ID as I can not see any option for "other"
Is there any chance of an updated "how to "?

How to use personal account
- go to Google Console Credentials and select your YouTube project
- select "Create credentials", then "OAuth client ID" and then "Other"
- choose a name or leave the default
- click "Create", this will generate a Client ID and Secret
- paste "Client ID" and "Client secret" here and click "Apply"
- click "Get Code" and if nothing appears to its right, just click
"Refresh" or refresh this LMS page
- copy the code in red and click "Click here to authorize" link . You'll
be prompted by YouTube to enter the code
- return to the LMS main screen, you can now use "My Subcriptions" and
"My Playlists"
- to remove authorizations, go to Google Console Permissions

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