Thanks to your help I have what I need in a very straightforward manner
though no doubt it could be further enhanced.

I use the composer, artist, title, album and track number tags only but
how they are used does depend on the type of piece.

For a multi-part work, eg. a symphony or sonata, then the album tag is
used to store the work name (eg. Symphony #1) and the artist is
appended to this in the form of conductor and orchestra though one
could use other artists involved such as a singer. Whatever helps
identify the particular performance really. Your basic 'composer' menu
then works fine for me.  Jump to composer then scroll through the
works. The title should force the order of playing - it does matter
that the 4th movement doesn't come before the 2nd!   

The obvious extension (or complication) would to add the the artists
tag as the next level down but I'm happy with this as I don't have that
many of the same works by different artists.  I do complete the tag with
fuller artist info but I don't feel the need to browse by it.

For a single-part piece I use the title as the album name as well.   
These often come from an artist's recital where several composers may
be featured on one album so one may want to access the recital as a
whole or find individual pieces by a composer.  The first of these I do
by browsing the music folder as the recital will have been stored in a
sub-folder under the artist's folder.  The second type of access, of
course, is as for the multi-part works.

As I say, I'm happy with this but I think I'll have to look at your
multi-library plug-in next as I have classical mixed up with jazz and
rock in the libray (though not on the disks).  I've thrown away all
rock and pop composer info to thin down the menu but I find jazz
composers info useful - just need to split it up from classical.

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