foxesden wrote: 
> Hi - Yes I thought I had run it long enough for any kinks to be ironed
> out. Unfortunately sod's law struck, as soon as I posted it I found an
> error. I think that there maybe some caching going on with LMS that I
> don't understand. Anyway it stopped working for me too. I found a setup
> error and have put in a small delay whilst the controls initialise.
> Sorry about that. 
> 33694

Yes, that works well - thank you. The EQ sliders are horizontal: would
it be possible to change to (the traditional) vertical? That would give
a simple representation of an EQ graph although it would likely
introduce issues changing browser window width.

2 x Touch
2 x Radio
2 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 8.20 (from nightlies) on
Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
1 x iMac server running macOS Big Sur
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Focal Electra 1027 Be II Speakers
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