I released v1.7.0:

- Look up genre information for albums imported from online music
- improve artist picture lookups to speed up the import process and
  optimize cache usage

The genre lookup is particularly interesting if you're importing Spotify
or TIDAL libraries, as these services don't provide any genre
information. MAI can now (optionally) look up genre information on
AllMusic.com and automatically tag those imported tracks with that

The second improvement around artist pictures is particularly important
if you often run full wipe & rescans: in this case the artist ID would
change with every scan. And previously I used the artist ID to store
artwork. As that key would change, the image proxy cache would increase
in size with every scan, as all the images would repeatedly be cached.
With this new version the cache key shouldn't change any more. Which
means that the import should be much faster, as the images most likely
are already in the cache, and it will take less disk space. Please note
that it will take several weeks before the old, stale entries expire and
eventually get wiped. If you want to take immediate advantage of the
space saving you'll have to shut down LMS, delete imgproxy.db from LMS'
cache folder and re-run a full wipe & rescan.

Have fun!


"It doesn't work - what shall I do?" - "Please check your server.log
and/or scanner.log file!"
(LMS: Settings/Information)
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